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Results in treating acne vary greatly from patient to patient, but we would certainly give magnet therapy a try. We suggest the following: Wear a magnetic bracelet on the left hand. Drink magnetised water and bathe the areas in magnetised water. Magnetise your creams by using the North Pole of a magnet (towards the cream).  Use a magnetic mattress Pad


Use magnetic innersoles.  Use a magnetic mattress pad. Drink North Pole magnetised water.


Drink North Pole magnetised water.  Use magnetic innersoles.  Use a magnetic mattress pad.

Use a Pillow Pad to boost oxygen enriched blood flow to the face.


Help to boost your immune system by using a bracelet and some form of sleep system for night repair.

Drink North Pole magnetised water.


We have had excellent results treating phantom leg pain by having patients sit on a pillow pad, or target the area with Neodymium disks.


Our results in significantly relieving the discomfort and pain associated with arthritis are remarkable. Apply wraps or Neo disks directly over the affected part of the body, as and when it is required.  If the arthritis is in several areas of the body, the use of a mattress pad is recommended.

Use magnetic innersoles.Drink North Pole magnetised water.


Wear a magnetic bracelet. Use a small pad or Micro Neo disks in the chest area.


Use of a lower back wrap or Neo disks applied to the site.  Use a magnetic mattress pad.


First, be sure the bite or sting is not poisonous – consult a doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

Clean and rinse the area with vinegar or another disinfectant, apply a Micro Neo to the area.


Sitting on a magnetic pillow pad has proved to be beneficial in many cases if an infection is present. Try using a small magnetic pad applied to the abdominal area. Drink North Pole magnetised water.


Wear a good quality magnetic bracelet on the Left Hand.


Wear a good quality magnetic bracelet on the Right Hand. Work in conjunction with your doctor so results can be monitored, and see whether medication can be reduced.


Once you have had the bone or fracture ‘set’ use magnets to encourage the bone to knit. We regularly place Neo magnets on the outside of a plaster cast. They will penetrate well into the cast and body to speed the healing.


Apply a small magnetic pad or Micro Neos over the chest area. Keep in place for four hours the first day, and then increase its daily use as you judge the benefits require. Monitor your degree of comfort in using the pad. Sit on a pillow pad. Drink North Pole magnetised water.


For falls or severe bruising due to accidents – consult your doctor. On minor bumps and bruising – apply a North Pole neodymium disk immediately to the site.


For severe burns and scalds consult your doctor.

For minor burns and scalds, bathe the affected part gently with cold water (North Pole magnetised if available) – apply a North Pole neodymium disk immediately to the site.


Use a wrap on the affected area.   Wear a good quality magnetic bracelet.


Cancer of course is a major cause of concern and one of our biggest killers. Magnet therapy cannot claim any part in the treatment of the disease. All we can hope for is to relieve some of the associated discomfort and to encourage the immune system to recover and ‘fight back’ after the necessary treatments and drugs that are prescribed. General advice would be to wear a good quality magnetic bracelet and use some form of sleep system. Drink North Pole Water.


Move as many electrical appliances from the vicinity of your bed.  Wear a magnetic bracelet. Drink South Pole magnetised water. In the case of CFS it is strongly recommended that you sleep on a North Pole orientated magnetic mattress pad.


Use good quality magnetic innersoles. Use a magnetic mattress pad.


Improve the condition by wearing a small pad over the chest area, and wear a magnetic bracelet. Drink North Pole magnetised water. If colds and flu are a persistent problem, improve your immune system by using a mattress pad.


Use a small pad over the abdominal area for three to four hours on the first day. Monitor your progress and increase the use of the pad daily. Many patients regularly keep their pad in place all day when the condition flares up. Drink North Pole magnetised water.


Use a small pad over the abdominal area for three to four hours on the first day. Monitor your progress and increase the use of the pad daily. Many patients regularly keep their pad in place all day when the condition persists. Increase your water consumption, and drink North Pole magnetised water.


Use good quality magnetic innersoles. Use a mattress pad. Increase your water consumption, and drink North Pole magnetised water.


Use a small pad over the abdominal area for three to four hours on the first day. Monitor your progress and increase the use of the pad daily. Many patients regularly keep their pad in place all day when the condition persists. Increase your water consumption, and drink North Pole magnetised water.


Double blind clinical trials in Japan have shown how helpful it is to sleep on a good quality magnetic mattress pad. Very positive results were seen in over 80% of patients tested. Wear a magnetic bracelet during the day.


Results in treating dermatitis vary greatly from patient to patient, but I would certainly give magnet therapy a try. I suggest the following: Wear a magnetic bracelet on the left hand. Drink North Pole magnetised water and bathe the areas in magnetised water. Magnetise your creams by using the North Pole of a magnet (towards the cream). Use a magnetic mattress Pad.


For greatly improved circulation and to offset peripheral neuropathy wear good quality magnetic innersoles. Wear a magnetic bracelet.  If possible, use a mattress pad or some form of magnetic sleep system.

Drink North Pole magnetised water.


Apply a Micro Neo close to the ear.

For persistent earache consult your doctor.


Results in treating eczema vary greatly from patient to patient, but I would certainly give magnet therapy a try. I suggest the following: Wear a magnetic bracelet on the left hand. Drink North Pole magnetised water and bathe the areas in magnetised water. Magnetise your creams by using the North Pole of a magnet (towards the cream). Use a magnetic mattress pad.


Use a small pad over the abdominal area for three to four hours on the first day. Monitor your progress and increase the use of the pad daily. Many patients regularly keep their pad in place all day when the condition flares up. Drink North Pole magnetised water. Use a Magnetic Mattress Pad.


Consult your doctor in sudden cases of severe loss of energy. Move as many electrical appliances from the vicinity of your bed. Use magnetic innersoles. Wear a magnetic bracelet. In severe cases it is recommended that you sleep on a North Pole orientated magnetic mattress pad.


Move as many electrical appliances from the vicinity of your bed. Use magnetic innersoles. Wear a magnetic bracelet. In severe cases it is recommended that you sleep on a North Pole orientated magnetic mattress pad.


Move as many electrical appliances from the vicinity of your bed.  Wear a magnetic bracelet. Drink North Pole magnetised water. In the case of FM it is strongly recommended that you sleep on a North Pole orientated magnetic mattress pad. Back this up in the day by applying wraps or neodymium disks to painful sites.


Use a small pad over the abdominal area for three to four hours on the first day. Monitor your progress and increase the use of the pad daily. Many patients regularly keep their pad in place all day when the condition flares up. Drink North Pole magnetised water.


Apply one Neo to the back of the shoulder – directly over the ‘ouch’ area. Leave in place for two or three days to fully eliminate the inflammation.  In severe cases a 2nd Neo may be taped to the front of the shoulder.


Use a small pad over the abdominal area for three to four hours on the first day. Monitor your progress and increase the use of the pad daily. Many patients regularly keep their pad in place all day when the condition flares up. Drink North Pole magnetised water.


Sleep on a North Pole orientated Pillow Pad.

Drink magnetised water – and bathe your eyes with North Pole magnetised water daily.

Monitor your results with your doctor/optician.


The use of a North Pole orientated mattress pad is highly recommended. This will greatly help to remove acidity from the body. When, flare-ups occur use a magnetic wrap or Neos over the affected joint.  Drink lots of North Pole water.


Sit on a Pillow Pad for at least 3 – 4 hours a day. This period may be increased after a few days. Apply 2 x ½” Neos to the base of the coccyx when symptoms are severe. Drink lots of North Pole water.


Apply 2 x ½” Neos to the temples with medical tape. Leave in place until the headache subsides.

If you believe your headaches are generated by stress – try taping them to the muscles that run up the back of the neck. This has been found to be very relaxing.

For persistent headaches – consult your doctor.



Magnet therapy is safe to use if you have had a bypass or if you have metal valves etc. (non-mechanical).

Wearing a good quality magnetic bracelet and innersoles has been seen to be beneficial to improving circulation and general health.


Wearing magnetic innersoles or a Micro Neo close to the site has proved to be helpful for the pain, however if you are persistent in using the Micro Neo continuously – for two or three months, in many instances – this has eliminated the calcium deposits (bone spur).


In non-severe cases a pillow pad will help greatly. Take it with you when you travel. Drink North Pole magnetised water. In severe and long standing cases, use a good quality mattress pad with magnets of at least 3000 gauss (core). There will need to be a minimum of at least 250 magnets to generate enough relaxation.


Use a small pad over the abdominal area for three to four hours on the first day. Monitor your progress and increase the use of the pad daily. Many patients regularly keep their pad in place all day when the condition flares up. Drink North Pole magnetised water. Use a mattress pad.


Drink North Pole magnetised water.

Wear a good quality magnetic bracelet.


Move as many electrical appliances from the vicinity of your bed.  Wear a magnetic bracelet. Drink magnetised water. In the case of MS it is strongly recommended that you sleep on a North Pole orientated magnetic mattress pad. Back this up in the day by applying wraps or neodymium disks to painful sites.


Move as many electrical appliances from the vicinity of your bed.  Wear a magnetic bracelet or innersoles.  Drink North Pole magnetised water. In the case of MFDS it is strongly recommended that you sleep on a North Pole orientated magnetic mattress pad.


Wear a good quality magnetic bracelet. Sleep on a Pillow Pad. Magnetic innersoles will help with the fatigue.


Apply 2 Micro Neos to the temples with medical tape. Leave in place until the headache subsides.

If you believe your headaches are generated by stress – try taping them to the muscles that run up the back of the neck. This has been found to be very relaxing.

For persistent headaches – consult your doctor.


Use Micro Neos taped to the back of the neck.  Leave in place until the tension subsides.

In severe cases use 1” Neos on the affected area.

Sleep on a North Pole magnetic Pillow Pad


Sleep on a North Pole mattress pad. Apply a wrap or 1” Neo disc to the affected area during the day.

If the loss of sensation is in the legs, wear magnetic innersoles. Drink lots of North Pole water.


There are therapists who claim they can treat obesity with magnet therapy. Certainly sleeping on a mattress pad will encourage the body and organs to work as efficiently as they can, and in some cases that trigger can stimulate increased metabolism. HOWEVER – the quality and quantity of food that is eaten, is in our view the major factor in weight gain and weight loss.

Drink lots of North Pole water.


Our results in significantly relieving the discomfort and pain associated with arthritis are remarkable. Apply wraps or pads directly over the affected part of the body, as and when it is required.  If the arthritis is in several areas of the body, the use of a mattress pad is strongly recommended. Use magnetic innersoles. Double blind studies show that good quality magnet therapy can help over 87% of osteo-arthritis sufferers.

Drink lots of North Pole water.


Move as many electrical appliances from the vicinity of your bed.  Wear a magnetic bracelet. Drink North Pole magnetised water. In order to maintain the existing level of bone density and to encourage the body to rebuild itself, we strongly recommended you sleep on a North Pole orientated magnetic mattress pad. Back this up in the day by applying wraps or neodymium disks to painful sites.


Sleep on a North Pole magnetic mattress pad or use a pillow pad. Wear a magnetic bracelet.


Move as many electrical appliances from the vicinity of your bed.  Wear a magnetic bracelet. Drink North Pole magnetised water. In order to encourage the body to see if there is any path back to restoring sensation in the nervous system and possibly to help cells rebuild themselves, we strongly recommended you sleep on a North Pole orientated magnetic mattress pad. If this is not possible, sit on a pillow pad for at least 4 hours during the day.


Wear a North Pole only – magnetic pad over the tummy area. Make sure the pad is large enough to reach out to the fallopian tubes that sometimes produce the ‘dragging’ pains.

In severe cases of pain and loss of blood, wearing a magnetic bracelet can help boost the immune system and increase energy levels.


Our results in significantly relieving the discomfort and pain associated with many types of Post Polio Symptoms are remarkable. Apply wraps or pads directly over the affected part of the body, as and when it is required.  If the is in several areas of the body, the use of a mattress pad is strongly recommended. Use magnetic innersoles. Double blind studies show that good quality magnet therapy can help over 84% of sufferers.

Drink lots of North Pole water.


Sleep on a magnetic pillow pad. Wear a North Pole only – magnetic pad over the tummy area. Make sure the pad is large enough to reach out to the fallopian tubes that sometimes produce the ‘dragging’ pains.

In severe cases of pain and loss of blood, wearing a magnetic bracelet can help boost the immune system and increase energy levels.


Results in treating psoriasis vary greatly from patient to patient, but we would certainly give magnet therapy a try. We suggest the following: Wear a magnetic bracelet on the left hand. Drink North Pole magnetised water and bathe the areas in magnetised water. Magnetise your creams by using the North Pole of a magnet (towards the cream). Use a magnetic mattress Pad.


Our results in significantly relieving the discomfort and pain associated with rheumatism are remarkable. Apply wraps or pads directly over the affected part of the body, as and when it is required.  If the pain is in several areas of the body, the use of a mattress pad is strongly recommended. Use magnetic innersoles.

Drink lots of North Pole water.


This painful condition is not as easy to treat as osteo-arthritis. However, it is certainly worth trying magnet therapy.  Double blind studies show we can help over 50% of suffers.

The most effective product would be a good quality North Pole magnetic mattress pad.

Wear a good quality bracelet.  Use magnetic innersoles.


Use a North Pole Pillow and mattress pad. Treat three times daily with a Magnessage.

Drink North Pole magnetised water.


Use Micro Neo discs over the scars until the required reduction in damaged tissue is seen. Older scar tissue will require longer treatment of perhaps several months.


It is best to ‘creep’ up on this condition, and they way to approach it is with two magnetic pads which can be placed either side of the lower back or one on the back and one on the back of the knee or calf depending on the route of the pain.  Initially keep pads in place for 1 – 2 hours then remove. Increase the period of use as your body becomes accustomed and as you feel the need.


It has been found that placing neodymium disks or small pads close to the genitals can stimulate blood flow and relax tissue. We’ve have been told that it is helpful for men to place a disk in their trouser pocket to promote a change in the cell behavior. Just be careful and DO NOT carry your credit cards in the same pocket. Sleep on a magnetic mattress pad.


Results in treating shingles vary greatly from patient to patient, but we would certainly give magnet therapy a try. We suggest the following: Use a magnetic mattress Pad. Wear a lower back wrap if pain is felt in that area during the day. Drink North Pole magnetised water.


Apply Neos to the site

Wear a good quality magnetic bracelet.


Sleep on a magnetic Pillow Pad.


Use North Pole magnetic wraps or Neodymium disks to the injury. Use the magnets until the injury is healed.


Double blind clinical trials in Japan have shown how helpful it is to sleep on a good quality magnetic mattress pad. Very positive results were seen in over 80% of patients tested. Wear a magnetic bracelet during the day.


Allow the surgery to settle down for three or four days. Then apply Micro Neos gently over the bandaged site. The magnets will encourage the tissue to heal faster and also prevent severe scarring. The Neos will penetrate far enough through the bandage and plasters to affect the tissue beneath.

Do not use magnets following recent heart surgery. Allow the organ to recover its normal rhythm.


Use a good quality elbow wrap or Neos.


Wear a good quality magnetic bracelet. Sleep on a pillow or mattress pad.


Try using a micro Neo taped behind the ear. Sleep on a North Pole pillow pad.


Apply a micro Neo to the outside of the affected area.

Sleep on a North Pole pillow pad.


Use North Pole magnetic wraps or Neodymium disks to the injury. Use the magnets until the injury is healed.


Apply a micro Neo to the outside of the affected area.

Sleep on a North Pole pillow pad.


Apply a micro Neo to the outside of the affected area. Monitor the results. In some cases magnetic innersoles can help with circulatory problems.


Sleep on a North Pole pillow pad.

Apply a micro Neo to the outside of the affected area.


Sleep on a North Pole pillow pad. Use a mattress pad. Drink North Pole Magnetised water.